Thursday, April 24, 2014

Robbie - Universalism

Christian Universalism - Devotional


            Universalism is the theological concept that declares religion is inclusive and universal over all people. In Christianity, universalism declares that all sinful people will ultimately be reconciled to God because of His mercy and divine nature. Universalism is an all-inclusive regarding religion, and emphasizes the idea that we are all in this world together, and therefore must be accepting of all religions as a path to God. This includes religions such as Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Ba’hai to name a few. Non-Religious Universalism is also a belief system focused on a set of values that anyone can take part in; no need to be religious. (Wikipedia)


Specifically focusing on Christian Universalism, there are a couple of ideas that are essential for the belief of Universalist ideas regarding Christianity:

1.     Christian Universalists believe that all humans will be saved by through Jesus and therefore come to “harmony” in God’s Kingdom (universal reconciliation, believe in no hell), both already dead and currently living  (theosis – idea that all souls will be reconciled to God, hell exists but all that go to hell will eventually be reconciled to God and go to heaven) God is the “loving parent” of all people. Jesus is seen as the spiritual leader of mankind. Humankind is created with an immortal soul, and sin has only “negative consequences” in our heavenly afterlife. (Wikipedia)
a.     “For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.” 1 Cor 15:22
b.     “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9

2.     There’s also a “New Thought” movement associated with Christian Universalism that teaches there is a “common thread of truth at the heart of all religions.” (Wikipedia)


If we agree in love, there is no disagreement that can do us any injury, but if we do not, no other agreement can do us any good. Let us endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit in the bonds of peace.” – Hosea Ballou (Universalist theologian)

Universalism is essentially a battle for the freedom of the common person.” – Clarence Russell Skinner (Universalist Minister)

There must be room for penitence to mend Life’s broken chance; else noise of wars would unmake heaven.” – Alice Cary (American Christian Universalist poet)


My evaluation of Christian Universalism is that it is largely a threat to the challenge God gives in having faith and conforming to His will. It downplays the importance of living a changed life of following Jesus and instead makes heaven something that is for everyone, not just those who choose to follow and believe in Jesus.


It was hard to find articles published on opponents to Christian Universalism, but I did find a strong argument from the President of the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry (CARM), Matt Slick. He puts it this way: “Christian Universalism really isn’t Christian and it is meshed with many other unorthodox and erroneous teachings. This belief system should be avoided.”


Wikipedia articles on Universalism, Christian Universalism, quotes retrieved from, – Matt Slick article on Christian Universalism

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