Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Homo-ousion (Carol Walker)

This term helps affirm Jesus as fully God while simultaneously protecting the doctrine of the Trinity. 

“Ousion” means substance.  “Homo-“ means “same” versus “Homoi-“ meaning “similar.”  Jesus Christ was/is “Homo-ousion”; Jesus Christ was/is the same substance as the Father.  

During the 4th Century, Arius was the Bishop of Alexandria and he taught a doctrine that exalted Jesus as a supernatural being, but only as a created one.  Arius taught that since Jesus was created, he was NOT eternal and NOT equal to the Father.  Therefore, Jesus was “Homoi-ousion” (similar to the Father), but NOT “Homo-ousion” (same as the Father).  This belief became known as Arianism.  

Arianism was built upon texts that declared Jesus to be the Father’s “only begotten” and “first-born” son.  Meaning, Jesus was “made” (understanding "begotten" as "beget"...the father's role in conception) by the Father and therefore could not be eternal as the Father is.  Proper exegesis demonstrates that “only begotten” is better understood as “one and only/unique” and Scripture’s references to Jesus as “first-born” carry the connotation of privilege and status of the first-born (birthrights...see Colossians 1:15).

The Council of Nicea (325 AD) was the place the Church settled upon orthodoxy.  Made popular by the Nicene Creed and Saint Nicholas' slap of Arius, the leadership of the Church made clear in the following statement what we believe to be true about Jesus' divinity:

"We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of all things visible and invisible." 

"And in one LORD Jesus Christ, the Son of God, begotten of the Father, the only-begotten; that is of the essence of the Father, God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, begin of one substance (homo-ousion) with the Father..."

Although the doctrine of the Trinity will always push past our limited ability to understand, we are forever grateful for the language of homo-ousion as it helps further delineate the nature and reality of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Hypo-Static Union (Carol Walker)

Hypo-Static Union is the term to describe the existence of the incarnate Jesus.  In a nutshell, it describes how Jesus could exist as ONE person with TWO natures.  This concept has been held since the earliest days of the Church, but “the how” of Hypo-Static Union formed gradually over time and reached it’s final definition in 451 AD at the Chalcedonian Council.  
When articulating the person of Christ, it is essential to link arms with Scripture and simultaneously affirm the fullness of His divinity (theos used of Christ; LORD used of Christ; Jesus own use of “I AM”; Revelation 22:13; Christ’s titles as Son of God & Son of Man; Christ demonstrates omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, and divine sovereignty; Christ’s ability to forgive sins; Christ counted worthy of divine worship, etc.) and the fullness of his humanity (virgin birth, human weakness/limitations, physical death/resurrection/ascension/reign, human mind/soul/emotions, etc.).  Further, Jesus MUST have been fully human and fully divine in order to demonstrate representative obedience, be counted a worthy substitute sacrifice (mediator and propitiation), as well as be able to sympathize as a high priest and give humanity an example/pattern to follow.  
When describing this, two key facets must be described.  First, Jesus sinlessness is real.  He was able to sin and therefore, his temptations were in fact, real.  His unwavering obedience to the Father’s will emphasizes the fullness of his humanity.  We must be careful in how we nuance this, but it is important (See Grudem’s Bible Doctrine for help).  Second, Jesus “emptied” himself to take on a human nature.  The “Kenosis Theory” helps us understand what this means for Jesus to remain fully divine.  The emptying was not of power, ability, or attributes BUT of role and status.  It is a concept describing humility and not a loss of divine nature.  
Historically, affirming Jesus’ Hypo-Static Union has created much difficulty.  There have been 5 primary heresies: Docetism (Jesus only “appeared to be” human); Arianism (Homo-ousion vs. Homoi-ousion); Apollinarianism (Human Body, but Mind & Spirit were divine); Nestorianism (2 separate persons in 1 body); Monophysitism (Jesus had 1 nature BUT the human nature was absorbed by the divine nature to create a totally unique nature that was neither God nor man).  The Chalcedonian Definition put each of these to rest: 

Following, then, the holy Fathers, we all unanimously teach that our Lord Jesus Christ is to us One and the same Son, the Self-same Perfect in Godhead, the Self-same Perfect in Manhood; truly God and truly Man; the Self-same of a rational soul and body; co-essential with the Father according to the Godhead, the Self-same co-essential with us according to the Manhood; like us in all things, sin apart; before the ages begotten of the Father as to the Godhead, but in the last days, the Self-same, for us and for our salvation (born) of Mary the Virgin Theotokos as to the Manhood; One and the Same Christ, Son, Lord, Only-begotten; acknowledged in Two Natures unconfusedly, unchangeably, indivisibly, inseparably; the difference of the Natures being in no way removed because of the Union, but rather the properties of each Nature being preserved, and (both) concurring into One Person and One Hypostasis; not as though He were parted or divided into Two Persons, but One and the Self-same Son and Only-begotten God, Word, Lord, Jesus Christ; even as from the beginning the prophets have taught concerning Him, and as the Lord Jesus Christ Himself hath taught us, and as the Symbol of the Fathers hath handed down to us.”

To summarize: Christ is 1 person with 2 natures; 1 nature does what the other nature does not do AND anything either nature does, the 1 PERSON of Christ does.